Sunday 7 May 2017

a surprise to my husband

We have a grand piano at home. It's my husband's.

He likes playing Bach, and I like listening to Bach, especially partitas and the really easy collection of Magdalena Bach.

Then today I played my husband's piano for the first time. It's been almost ten years I haven't touched the piano.

Starting with this, my favourite one, I played a few easy pieces by sight reading.

I made quite a lot of mistakes at the start, because my sight reading was really slow, having not played the instrument for such a long time.

My husband smiled at me and said "not bad".

Then I suddenly recalled my favourite Beethoven's piece and played it from memory. He looked at me with total shock.

This is it. Exactly the same movement that I played, but I didn't record my own playing.

I made quite a few obvious mistakes and told my husband if that happened when I was a child my piano teacher would have told me off.

For the first time, my husband did not make any cheeky comments about scolding or spanking but looked at me straight into the eyes and said "Your technique is amazing! Why didn't you tell me you can play the piano?" As he said that, he kissed me and whispered "I love you" in my ear.

I didn't know my husband has such a sentimental side too.

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