Sunday 21 May 2017

three stages of punishment

My husband went into our bedroom and saw me use my phone when lying on the bed again.

"What're you doing?"

I sat up straight, waiting for a lecture.

But I was told to stand in the corner of the room and prepare for an explanation.

A few minutes later, my husband didn't put me across his knee. He asked me to explain to him why I keep using my phone when I lie on the bed.

I didn't have any explanation. It takes time to change a habit.

My husband frowned but didn't get me. He said he'll give me time.

One week.

He'll keep a nursery cane next to our bed for one week, as a reminder, but he won't cane me.

It works like this:
The first time in a day: no spanking, but I'll need to bare my bottom

The second time in a day: my phone will be taken away from me for 24 hours. I'll use an old IPhone for work / emergency contact

"After one week, if I do it again, then what will happen?" I asked.

He picked up the cane and asked "What do you think?"


Epaster said...

Hi Jenny,

I wanted to tell you that I appreciate your blog. My wife and I have practiced CDD for 22 years. It had been an important part of keeping us close and together. I hope that other couples learn from your blog and adopt Christian Domestic Discipline themselves.


jenny said...

Thanks for your kind words, Eric.