Monday 12 November 2018


by noon I finished both my proposal and my german short writing.

“I’m done!!!!!” I told my husband. He came and kissed me and said “good girl”.

Then he asked me to show him my work.

He looked at my PhD proposal and said it’s good. He then made a few suggestions about things I can think about later when I start my research.

I showed him also my handwritten German short writing. Just about 300 words, and I had to use new sentence patterns that I had learnt, like anstatt, indem, durch, sodass, infolgedessen and ohne. I wrote it very quickly cos I really wanted to go out.

My husband read it and said “rewrite Line 3-8”.

But there are only 8 lines 😮

He said he could accept work of bad quality if I tried my best, but obviously I didn’t 😢

I don’t want to re-do it. I said to my husband.

Then you stay home the whole day until you have got it done, properly. He said.

I had no choice but erased everything from Line 3 and started over.

About 30 mins later I was done.

Then my husband told me to pull down my panties and put me over his knee (!!!)

Why? 😮

He said I didn’t try my best and still made lots of mistakes.

He made me read from Line 3 over his knee and make corrections if there’s something wrong. The first and second time I made a mistake he only told me what’s wrong. The third time I made the same mistake? He’d put a small X on my homework and give me 2 spanks on my bottom, and 3Xs will earn me a good spanking over his knee.

I first got an  X cos of tenses. It’s so easy to use the wrong form of perfect tense when there’s movement. Should be “bin” but dunno why I often write “habe”.

Spank! Spank!

Then Dativ is another area I’m bad in. All plural nouns have -n following Dativ but I forgot. I should have learnt this a long time ago.  That earned me the second X.

Spank! Spank!

I didn’t want the third X or more spanking 😭

Then I made one preposition mistake.

Followed by one mistake with word order in Neben-Satz.

And two more mistakes... but my husband said it’s ok cos it’s just word choice. He leaves it to my teacher.

Still one more line till the end. I read it cautiously, as if it were from some sort of legal documents.

Thank God I made it to the end with no more mistake.

My butt was safe.

“Write more carefully next time. Especially with Dativ and Akkusativ” my husband said.

I am sure I will 😢

Then my husband pulled up my panties and pants and asked me to get changed for lunch :)

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