Thursday 24 November 2016

Grace period for spanking

Unlike the conventional christian domestic discipline, not all bad behaviors are always punished at my home. Why?

When I consistently get punished for the same issue, it means the punishment.does not work. Sometimes it leads to a different punishment or a more severe punishment, but most of the time it brings a halt to the punishment.

We will then discuss what has been happening and find out the possible solutions.

I will then be given a grace period of three to six months with no punishment to try out the plan and keep a weekly progress report. During that time, I'm likely to be making the same mistake, but there're always signs of improvement -- if not, I will have to change my plan and ensure improvement.

After the grace period, I am still allowed to make the same mistake for up to three times. It does take time to learn from our failures. For the first three times, I am given three smacks on bare bottom with the hand for warning. Fortunately the idea of a grace period seems to work quite well, and I have never made it to more than two times.

(google image)

In case it fails, we will go back to the starting point and discuss whether we need a longer grace period, an alternative (e.g. Giving me some help), or the problem simply cannot / should not be solved.

The whole process might sound complicated but this prevents domestic discipline from becoming domestic violence.

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