Friday 24 November 2017

1/4 done

Very tired having to go to England once a week to take two courses while having a very busy full-time job and taking a German class once a week (yawn~ )

I was in a very bad mood today and kept complaining the whole morning and afternoon, even when my husband was calling me through SKYPE.

I thought he'd scold me or tell me it's my choice or threaten to spank me when I'm home. He didn't.

I felt really grateful that he accepted my emotions.

He just said I'm almost done with my first semester. That's nearly 25% of the study programme.

Then he kissed me through the camera and said "you can do it!"

I like the combination of hard evidence and soft evidence that seems to be telling me I'm going to be okay.


Fondles said...

It's great when they know just how to handle our emotions. sometimes i think bikss will say / do one thing but he surprises me with another instead.

jenny said...

What's bikss?

Fondles said...

Thats what i call Daddy. BIKSS. Like a name :)