Saturday 1 December 2018

I need to be spanked for not doing homework

Been sitting in the living room for hours. I’m supposed to be doing a data analytics assignment but I find myself reading a photography book and an autobiography.

Hubby came and asked about my progress.

“Is no progress a kind of progress?” I replied.

“What do you expect me to say?” He asked.

“You’d say ‘you needto be spanked?’” I answered.

“Well, you get what you want”, hubby said.


As he came closer, my heart was beating faster and faster 😳 Why would I have said that?

Turned out he smiled at me and held my hand and took me to the kitchen and made a cup of lavender tea for me. Then we had some nice chocolates. .

After that I started to have some ideas about how to build a business model for the case I’m assigned to.

Thanks hubby ❤️

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