Sunday 16 April 2017

other punishments

Up till yesterday, spanking has been the main form of punishment given to me. Sometimes with hands on my bare bottom, sometimes with a flat IKEA hanger over my panties, sometimes with a nursery cane over my pants.

Yesterday my husband pulled my ears. It was a shock. It was after I had asked him not to hit me on my butt.

Then today he got this.

I cannot believe it is for me. I mean, what for?

"As a punishment", my husband said.

Given when he thinks I'm rude or I talk back when he scolds or I try to negotiate when he's about to spank (like I did yesterday), he added.

I don't like it, but he said I'm not supposed to like it.

"Now behave yourself, or I'll make you keep it in your mouth for hours from now".


Then my husband said, to make the punishment effective, after each pacifier punishment, I am supposed to say the thing properly in ten different ways aloud, each to be evaluated by my husband. If he's not satisfied with any of them, I will need to put the pacifier back into my mouth and think of another one, until all ten are accepted.

And then I am supposed to write the ten lines 50 times each and bible verses on discipline while keeping the pacifier in my mouth. Bad handwriting will result in more punishment (seems to be another set to write and keeping the pacifier for longer).

Okay. Sounds like a really strict and time-consuming punishment.

Maybe a quick spanking isn't that bad.

Maybe I shouldn't have "negotiated" yesterday.

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