Friday 28 April 2017

younger looks

This long weekend I'm staying at a friend's family's place for a change. It's just quite dry to be staying all on my own in a hotel for three weeks.

So here I am, in the middle of nowhere. Just lots of green. It reminds me of my very quiet and peaceful teenage years at a boarding school in England.

When we arrived her family's place, I had dinner with her family, and I told them the neighborhood is very nice and comfortable, just like my boarding school years.

Then we had a conversation like this:

P = my friend's parents  J = me

P: are you still studying in England now? Or you've found somewhere exciting?

J: oh, I've graduated from the university already

P: really. Are you looking for a job then?

J: ...

And my friend just couldn't stop laughing.

Do I really look that young?

My friend then told them about my job and my business trip there and that made them drop their jaws.

I told my husband this little fun episode. He said that's why sometimes he couldn't bring himself to punish me when I looked at him with my innocent eyes and begged him with my girlish tone.

Next time when he wants to punish me again, I know what to do, hehe!

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